Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Egan Store Master Price List

Egan Store Blog to Publish Master Price List

Egan Store is trying out an experiment with U.S. customers in which the customers will be able to quickly visit a page containing a master price list, and quickly look up the price of any item right here as a page (not a post) of this blog.  Customers can then go to, and enter the combined amount of their items along with the items being purchased or their numerical codes, plus shipping when applicable, pay via their choice of the available payment methods and viola.

It is important that customers either do their math correctly or negotiate a price with Peter if purchasing multiple items. Peter can be reached by phone and on WhatsApp at +1 985 590 2253. Text message is preferred to calling whenever possible.

When that page is complete we will publish the URL right here. Until then, customers can continue contacting Peter directly at the phone number in the above paragraph, and getting a special discounted rate while this promotion is ongoing. Promotion ends whenever that page goes live.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Iraqi Dinar Suddenly Expensive, Hard-to-Find in U.S., Canada

Iraqi Dinar Suddenly Expensive, Hard-to-Find in U.S., Canada

In the days leading to to Iraq's inaugural Independence Day, which was celebrated for the very first time in history on October 03, 2023, something peculiar happened. Iraqi dinar (IQD), Iraq's native currency, saw a dramatic reduction in supply and increase in demand in the days leading up to the national holiday.

Exchange rate authority Xe believes there may be a major change coming to the Iraqi dinar...

While this may turn out to be completely unrelated and irrelevant to the exchange rate between between the dinar and dollar, Euro, Yuan, Yen and other major world currencies; at least on paper, Iraqi Independence Day implies Iraq is independent. That is significant because without being independent (for example, if a foreign country's troops still occupy a foreign state, that country is under occupation and not sovereign. In order to have a sovereign currency, one must have a sovereign state.

Iraq celebrating Independence Day implies that the war is over, US troops are leaving or have left, and the conditions for the removal of sanctions are all present, meaning there should be a massive influx of demand for the IQD. If that happens without a proportional increase in supply, the market dictates the value of the dinar will increase immensely. When the dinar will revalue is still anyone's guess, but all signs are increasingly pointing to it happening if not already happened and just not announced publicly.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Iraq to Celebrate First Independence Day October 03, 2023

 Iraq to Celebrate First Independence Day October 03, 2023

This video by Militiaman on YouTube is chock full of information, and I still need to go back and watch this video a second time with fewer distractions than the first time through it. That having been said, there are a couple of big topics at play here. One is the one mentioned in the title, that Iraq has declared a national holiday for October 03, 2023, which has been designated the first-ever Iraqi Independence Day. On its own, this isn't necessarily a major announcement with respect to the future of Iraq's currency, the dinar, and its respective exchange rate with the other major sovereign currencies of the world.

The other side of this video explores the news that moving forward, all transactions within Iraq will be settled in the country's native currency, the dinar.

I don't want to misspeak so I'm going to refrain from speculating over the ramifications of the news announced in this video until such time as I've had a chance to watch it again, however, there is certainly a lot of smoke right now involving the Iraqi dinar. For Iraqi dinar holders, this is certainly an exciting time, and we will update this post accordingly and/or replace it with new information as it arrives. This is not a confirmation that a major change to the exchange rate is coming, and for now we will continue conducting business as usual until further notice. This post is not financial advice, and all products sold by Egan Store / Egan Shop are sold exclusively as collectible items and not as money or currency.

Without further adieu...

Iraqi Independence Day + Financial News:

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Chat GPT Read Mike Rothschild's Hit Piece Targeting Egan Store: These Were Its Thoughts...

Chat GPT Read Mike Rothschild's Hit Piece Targeting Egan Store, the Iraqi Dinar: These Were Its Thoughts...

By: Peter Egan Jr.; Egan Store Co-Founder

Context: The below article refers to a libelous hit piece appearing a left-wing political blog called the Daily Dot, authored by a qanon-obsessed weirdo and (probably) incel named Mike Rothschild. There was an interesting possible coincidence in that the day I flew to another city to discuss the sale of my business and the possibility of going to work for a supplier/competitor, was the same exact day the libelous hit piece was published, depriving me of an opportunity to get out ahead or quickly respond with facts. This article looks at how Ghat GPT felt after reading Mr. Rothschild's politically-motivated hit piece., the authority on foireign exchange rates believes the Iraqi dinar may see some major changes

On Thursday, 06 July, 2023, I awoke to my lovely wife Mellenia shaking me gently, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the unusually dark bedroom air. On a typical morning, by the time I would awaken, the sun would have begun t        o show itself for they day, the bedroom dim, but not dark by any sense. On that day I woke up several hours earlier than I would have under normal circumstances because a supplier/competitor was flying me to his home city to meet about potentially selling him the components of my business that have tangible value, and going to work for him, essentially doing the same work with far more resources at my disposal. It may have even come with a pay increase from what I'd been earning as a small business owner the past four years and change.

Screenshot from Mike Rothschild's libelous hit piece appearing in the Daily Dot

While initially I had every intention of accepting the position and shortly after returning home I even texted the gentleman and told him as much, suggesting we should schedule a meeting to discuss terms. He agreed, but said he'd be away for a week but would touch base upon his return. That never happened. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that he was in any way responsible for the topics covered in the latter part of this story. However, the bottom line is that those "topics" led to the loss of nearly all leverage I would have had in any such negotiations. If it was him and the goal was to put me in a situation in which I'd have to negotiate regardless and in spite of the loss of leverage, it backfired, as I've now built a standalone website, have five new sites planned (and inventory for them already purchased), was able to use his offer to leverage my parents into buying the compound next to theirs at the dead end of a dead end road way out in the country. So because they didn't know about what else happened that day, they took measures to ensure their grandson and God-willing before the end of the year, grandsons; didn't leave south Louisiana and move to a different state, incentivizing us to stay here by buying a much nicer property than we can afford and selling it to us in a sweetheart deal, and simultaneously, I've build an impenetrable site that in a year will be top-5 in the world.

Hit Piece

That said, personally, I don't think that man had any role in it whatsoever. I believe it's purely coincidence that he literally interviewed the same guy I was interviewing with the same day his hit piece against me went live for the previous story he did on the topic, a luxury he never afforded to me, being too cowardly to seek comment before or reply to my many attempts at civil engagement in the two months since it happened.

He, for those who haven't already been following the story, is nepotism writer Mike Rothschild, an extremely unlikable person who manages to be snarky and as smug as the come while simultaneously being a pathetic incel who has anger issues, notably with masculine men who attract women, a common trait among the involuntarily celibate. He isn't even a good writer, FFS. He can't even hang his hat on being good at that. Chat GPT absolutely eviscerated him when asked to evaluate his work. Some of the more notable responses were as follows:

"The author of the article (Mike Rothschild, who wrote the defamatory hit piece targeting my business, my wife and myself that appeared July 06 in The Daily Dot) makes a number of claims about the Iraqi dinar that are not supported by evidence. Here are some of the reasons why the author (Rothschild) is wrong in declaring the dinar a scam:

  1. The author claims that the Iraqi dinar is "worthless" and "has no intrinsic value." This is not true. The Iraqi dinar is a fiat currency, which means that its value is based on the government's promise to pay it back. While the dinar's value has fluctuated at times, it has a value that is finite, and which anyone including (Rothschild) could easily find with a simple internet search.
  2. The author claims the dinar is a "pyramid scheme." This is also not true. A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent investment where investors make money by recruiting new investors, rather than by investing in a real product or service. The Iraqi dinar is not a pyramid scheme because investors make money by the appreciation of the currency, not by recruiting new investors.
  3. The author claims the dinar is a "scam" because it had been promoted by "con artists." This is a misleading statement. While there are some people who have promoted the dinar as a get rich quick scheme, there are also many legitimate investors who believe in the dinar's long-term potential.
The author of the article also fails to mention some of the factors that could potentially lead to an increase in value of the dinar (which had already occurred to the tune of 14% when Rothschild's hit piece was published). For example, the Iraqi government has been working to improve its economy and attract foreign investment. If these efforts are successful, it could lead to an increase in value for the dinar. 
In conclusion, the author of the article in the the Daily Dot piece (Rothschild) does not provide any actual evidence to support their assertion that the Iraqi dinar is a scam. In fact, there are a number of factors that could lead to an even further increase in the value of the dinar (more than the 13.7% it's already appreciated in 2023)Overall, the article in the Daily Dot is poorly researched and biased against the Iraqi dinar. It is important to be critical of any article that makes such a strong claim, and to do your own research before investing in any currency, including but not limited to the Iraqi dinar."

Not a bad start. I have a lot more to say because our friend Mike is much more wrong than Chat GPT were able to identify or articulate. Luckily, I am able to both identify and articulate them, and will be doing so until I'm satisfied with the outcome. Until then, avoid Etsy like the plague, and for all your collectible banknote, stamp and coin needs, please visit us at

Monday, August 21, 2023

Question: Do You Sell Banknotes from the Iranian Rial Currency? | Egan Store Blog

Question: Do You Sell Banknotes from the Iranian Rial Currency?

Egan Store Blog

One question we at Egan Shop (formerly Egan Store) are often asked is whether or not we sell (or have the capacity to procure) Iran's currency, the Rial. The short answer is an unequivocal "no", although it's a bit more nuanced than our simply lacking desire to offer that particular line of products, or a perceived inability or unwillingness to obtain and/or sell them.

The reason we at Egan Shop / Egan Store DO NOT sell Iran Rials is rather simple: it's illegal in the United States for an American citizen to do so. Our opinion about this and all laws is irrelevant. Same reason we don't sell banknotes from North Korea.

Iran 100,000 Rials (10 Toman) Banknote

From a business standpoint, were it not for that it would make all the sense in the world due to its regional relevance to some of our other top-sellers, not to mention its relative scarcity in the U.S. Additionally, I have a friend in a Middle East country that is friendly with the United States, but who is all about numismatics and banknotes in particular. Rials were his top-selling line of products until western payment processing companies demanded he cease selling them or they'd stop processing his payments, so I don't envy the catch-22 he's in. But if I hypothetically wanted to buy it, I easily could through him (he can sell it legally, and I could probably sell it for double if not triple what I'd be paying for it, but for someone who isn't known for being particularly risk averse, the government is the one entity I want no trouble from under any circumstances, and ideally there'd be no communication between they and I at all.

Iran 100,000 Rials (10 Toman) Banknote - Reverse

All that being said, while my friend over at is not able to get you Rials either, but he's an awesome guy, and I'm blessed to have such a friend. I'd encourage our customers and any readers passing through who may not yet be customers to pay him a visit, and if you see something you like please buy consider buying it. He's one of the real good guys in this business, and I know Mellenia and I might have lasted this long regardless, but the odds of that are pretty slim. So if you like us, please take a moment to thank this man and express to him your gratitude, because had the two paths not crossed, I'm not sure we survive as long as we have.

Egan Store Master Price List

Egan Store Blog to Publish Master Price List Egan Store is trying out an experiment with U.S. customers in which the customers will be able ...